Batman is a comic book superhero character created in 1939 by the writer/illustrator team of Bill Finger and Bob Kane. He is a DC Comics character, first appearing in the Detective Comics #27. He has many features that differ from other comic book superheroes, including an extremely dark personality that tends to show little remorse when he exacts vigilante justice on various villains. Also, so many people have “recreated” Batman over the years that there are significant inconsistencies in the way the character behaves, is perceived, and looks, and there are also many different takes on the degree or lack thereof of participation that Batman’s sometimes sidekick Robin is involved in his story.

Dedicated to all Batman fans, this video blog will host a series of old & new Batman cartoon episodes for you to view. Don't forget to bookmark this blog so you can come back to view the latest updated Batman cartoon video. To 'Old skool' Batman fans, I hope you'll enjoy these videos!

Batman - From Catwoman With Love part2

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